The Centre for Alternative and Virtual Education (The CAVE) is an alternative school that provides high school courses in an informal, friendly and flexible learning environment. The CAVE is staffed by a principal, five teachers, and two support staff.
The CAVE offers all core courses in Grades 10, 11 and 12, as well as Work Experience, Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), Dual Credit and CTS.
The CAVE allows students to take up to 10 credits at a time, which means two core classes. Exceptions can be made (by the principal of the cave) to take more than two core classes, but students must show that they are able to keep up with the schedule provided. If a student attempts three core classes and struggles, that privilege will be taken away and they will be allowed only two.
The CAVE primarily serves students in high school, as well as adult learners; students 19 years of age or younger are funded through Alberta Education/Government of Canada; students older than 19 years of age are able to take courses through the CAVE at a cost per credit. Students in Grade 7-9 can be considered for placement at the CAVE upon the recommendation of the Superintendent.
Reference documents